閲覧数:318 配信日:2018-08-07 13:27
キーワードのhelpを追加するか、phonegapコマンドに-hまたは--h属性を追加すると、いつでもPhoneGap CLIの使用法にアクセスできる
C:\Users\★★>phonegap create help
Usage: phonegap create [options] <path> [id [name [config]]]
Creates a new application at the provided path.
The application name and package ID can also be customized.
These values are set in the app manifest (config.xml) and are used when
creating a native project (platforms/<platform>/).
The application can be created from an existing template as well. You can
use any template that is published on npm, in your local file path, or available
from a git URL. PhoneGap also recommends a few popular templates and provides
shortened names for each. You can list the recommended templates with the
`template list` command.
The [config] option allows you to pass a JSON string, which will be injected
into `<path>/.cordova/config.json`.
--name, -n <name> application name (default: "Hello World")
--id, -i <package> package name (default: "com.phonegap.hello-world")
--copy-from, -src <path> create project using a copy of an existing project
--link-to <path> symlink/shortcut to the www assets without copying
--template <npm package|path|git url> create app using template found on npm,
your local path, or a git URL.
$ phonegap create path/to/my-app
$ phonegap create path/to/my-app "com.example.app" "My App"
$ phonegap create path/to/my-app --id "com.example.app" --name "My App"
$ phonegap create path/to/my-app --copy-from ../my-other-app
$ phonegap create path/to/my-app --template hello-world
$ phonegap create path/to/my-app --template phonegap-template-hello-world
Also See:
$ phonegap help template
$ phonegap help template list
C:\Users\★★>phonegap serve -h
Usage: phonegap serve [options]
Serves the application on a local web server.
The intended receiver is the PhoneGap App, but any
browser can consume the content.
--port, -p <n> port for web server (default: 3000)
--autoreload enable app refresh on file changes (default: true)
--no-autoreload disable app refresh on file changes
--browser enable desktop browser support (default: true)
--no-browser disable desktop browser support
--console enable console.log support to the terminal (default: true)
--no-console disable console.log support to the terminal
--deploy enable the app to actually load updates or new apps from the server when already connected (default: true)
--no-deploy disable the app from loading updates or new apps when already connected
--homepage enable three-finger tap to go back to the server input page (default: true)
--no-homepage disable three-finger tap
--localtunnel enable a local tunnel for public access (default: false)
--push enable the app to register for push notifications
--no-push disable the app from registering push notifications
--proxy enable the browser to make xhr calls using a proxy
--no-proxy disable proxying on the browser
--refresh enable four finger tap to refresh to the app's current page (default: true)
--no-refresh disable four finger tap
phonegap app
$ phonegap serve
$ phonegap serve --port 1337
$ phonegap serve --no-autoreload
$ phonegap serve --browser
$ phonegap serve --no-browser
$ phonegap serve --console
$ phonegap serve --no-console
$ phonegap serve --homepage
$ phonegap serve --no-homepage
$ phonegap serve --localtunnel
$ phonegap app
・手順1: PhoneGapのインストール