閲覧数:302 配信日:2018-08-03 10:41
キーボードのスタートボタン(Windowsマークのボタン) + Rを押下
・ローカルマシンで実行するために必要なPhoneGap CLIの依存関係を取得する
C:\Users\★★>npm install -g phonegap@latest
npm WARN deprecated connect@2.30.2: connect 2.x series is deprecated
npm WARN deprecated node-uuid@1.4.8: Use uuid module instead
npm WARN deprecated tough-cookie@2.2.2: ReDoS vulnerability parsing Set-Cookie https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/130
C:\Users\★★\AppData\Roaming\npm\phonegap -> C:\Users\★★\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\phonegap\bin\phonegap.js
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\phonegap\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})
+ phonegap@8.0.0
added 711 packages from 500 contributors in 110.204s
コマンドラインで「phonegap」と入力して、PhoneGap CLIが正しくインストールされていることを確認するテストを行う
Usage: phonegap [options] [commands]
PhoneGap command-line tool.
help [command] output usage information
create <path> create a phonegap project
build <platforms> build the project for a specific platform
install <platforms> install the project on for a specific platform
run <platforms> build and install the project for a specific platform
platform [command] update a platform version
plugin [command] add, remove, and list plugins
template [command] list available app templates
info display information about the project
serve serve a phonegap project
version output version number
push send test push notification (to a push-notification-compatible application)
analytics turn analytics on or off, or view current status
report-issue opens your browser and launches github.com with a ready to report issue
Additional Commands:
local [command] development on local system
remote [command] development in cloud with phonegap/build
prepare <platforms> copies www/ into platform project before compiling
compile <platforms> compiles platform project without preparing it
emulate <platforms> runs the project with the flag --emulator
cordova execute of any cordova command
-d, --verbose allow verbose output
-v, --version output version number
-h, --help output usage information
--no-update-notifier disable update notifier, to opt-out of update-notifier
change the 'optOut' property to 'true' in
$ phonegap help create
$ phonegap create path/to/my-app
$ cd my-app/
$ phonegap run ios
$ phonegap analytics on
│ │
│ Update available 6.5.2 → 8.0.0 │
│ Run npm i -g phonegap to update │
│ │